
Rest in Peace (2024)

Navona Records

Ferdinando DeSena, Composer

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3. I. Rest in Peace
4. II. Rest in Peace
5. III. Rest in Peace
6. IV. Rest in Peace

Brass Tacks 2 (2023)

Navona Records

Edward “Ted” Messerschmidt, Composer

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2. Fantasia for Horn and Piano
3. If

Voices of the Land (2023)

Navona Records

Christina Rusnak, Composer
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1. Coal Creek
2. FREE LAND: I. Homeland
3. FREE LAND: II. Two Seasons
4. FREE LAND: III. Harvest
5. The Way Through
6. Canyon Voices
7. Oregon Trail: I. Me-a pa-te
8. Oregon Trail: II. Mudza
9. Oregon Trail: III. Hyas Tyee Təmwata
10. Pine Meadow

To What Listens (2022)

Albany Records

Libby Meyer, Composer
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4. Turbulence
6. Cylindrical Whiskers (merelaniite)

Figments Vol. 3 (2022)

Navona Records

Thomas Mann, Jr. Composer
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6. Dance of the Lizards

Watershed (2021)

Oliver Caplan, Composer
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1. In the Direction of Dreams: Walden Pond
2. In the Direction of Dreams: Adams Woods
3. In the Direction of Dreams: Fairhaven Bay
4. Willow Spring Path: Rippling Lake
5. Willow Spring Path: Towering Pines
6. Willow Spring Path: Return of the Warblers
7. Watershed: Turn
8. Watershed: Calm
9. Watershed: Flow

You Are Not Alone (2017)

Oliver Caplan, Composer
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1. Love Letters: i. Forever Began with Hello
2. Love Letters: ii. The Tree With the Lights in It
3. To the Sea
4. You Are Not Alone: i. Diagnosis
5. You Are Not Alone: ii. Grievance
6. You Are Not Alone: iii. Acceptance
7. You Are Not Alone: iv. Transformation
8. Connect All. We All Connect.

Spectres (2016)

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1. Anima / Animus by Nick Omiccioli
2. Compass: i. Agni by Baljinder Sekhon
3. Compass: ii. Indra by Baljinder Sekhon
4. Compass: iii. Vayu by Baljinder Sekhon
5. Compass: iv. Kubera by Baljinder Sekhon
6. Compass: v. Yama by Baljinder Sekhon
7. Compass: vi. Varuna by Baljinder Sekhon
8. Consider: i. by Erich Stem
9. Consider: ii. by Erich Stem
10. Transverse Fractures by Peter Van Zandt Lane
11. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa...": i. La méditation au Corps Cassé by Dominick DiOrio
12. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa...": ii. In Midnight Sleep… by Dominick DiOrio
13. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa...": iii. Ave Maria... Statbat Mater Dolorosa by Dominick DiOrio
14. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa...": iv. This World Is Not Conclusion by Dominick DiOrio
15. "Stabat Mater Dolorosa...": v. Epitaph by Dominick DiOrio

Hackpolitik (2014)

Peter Van Zandt Lane, Composer
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1. The Donning of Masks
2. Black Hat/White Hat. Topiary's Contemplation
3. Black Hat/White Hat. Kayla and Sabu
4. Black Hat/White Hat. Anonymous Assembles
5. Laurelai Emerges
6. Dec.8.2010. #OpPayback
7. The Jester
8. Jan.15.2011. #OpTunisia
9. Lulz Dogma
10. Lex Talionis
11. The Shaming of HBGary Federal
12. Sabu's Betrayal
13. Finale. Lernaean Hydra

Sculpting the Air (2011)

Navona Records

Barry Seroff, Composer

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8. Forum for Abandoned Euro Leaders

Raspberry Man (2011)

Navona Records

William Vollinger, Composer

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1. The Raspberry Man
2. Emmanuel Changed